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Benefits of Sage Smudge Spray



The ceremonial use of a small bundle of sacred herbs, or a mix of sacred herbs, to burn for creating a special energetic atmosphere goes far back in time. Its used to clear a person or a place from any possible heavy and unwanted energies and the burning of Sage Bundles(smudging) is practiced in many cultures of the world, with Native Americans being the most known cultural group that has practiced – and goes on practicing – the tradition of smudging.
However, burning Sage is not allowed in many places, the scent is not always enjoyed by others and is sometimes just not convenient to burn.
That is why this Essential Oil Sage Smudge Mist by Ja’Mi Products is such a convenient proposition. With a fine blend of Sage, Cedar Wood and other essential oils, its unique earthy aroma is just as powerful, cleansing and delightful as that of herb bundles, but with the practical feature that you can simply spray it around yourself, around someone else, or in your car, at your office or at home, to clear all that unwanted energy.
This is an outstanding but very simple way of experiencing the restoring properties that Sage and Cedar Wood smudging offers. It will help you to keep disturbing or distracting energies away, preventing them from building up, while clearing the air to allow you to feel in peace, focusing on what really matters to you.
The Essential Oil Sage Smudge Mist by Ja’Mi Products can be used as a body spray. However, you can also use it with a cloth to clean your gemstone jewelry and gemstones, to make sure that they are always irradiating positive energy.


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