Displaying & Caring for your Crystals and Gemstones


Taking good care of your crystals and gemstones can ensure a lifetime of flowing energy stays safe and beautiful.


Beautiful babies, so sparkly and full of energy “calling to me” from all over my house. I was having trouble figuring out how to care for my crystals and gemstones without it breaking the bank. Thank goodness for DIY tutorials. With a little tweaking and a trip to the Dollar Stores, I made these beautiful displays for my Gemstones & Crystals.

Before you put them on display, you should clear and program each one. It’s an easy process that doesn’t take much time. Afterwards, your “babies” will be re-energized and very happy.

Crystals retain energy, so you want to clear them when you bring them home, after they’ve been sitting around the house, or whenever you feel it’s time.

Special Care:

There are several stones that do not need to be cleared (and some that should not come in contact with water) Citrine, Carnelian, Clear Quartz, and Kyanite are several crystals that do not need to be cleared. Several stones that should not be submerged in water are Amber, Turquoise, Red Coral, Fire Opal, Moonstone, Calcite, Kyanite, Kunzite, Angelite, Azurite, Selenite.

There are other stones that are not listed, Google them to be on the safe side.

Clearing, Programing, and Charging


  • Salt Water
  • Burning Sage or Palo Santo
  • Spraying Sage Smudge Spray or Palo Santo Spray

Say out loud: I clear this crystal from all unwanted and negative energy


Hold the crystal in your hand. Stand in natural light, either outside or next to a window. Say aloud, “I dedicate this crystal to the highest good. I ask that it be used in love and light.”

Then, program the crystal for a specific use, set your intention, (landing a new job, finishing a project, “healing”). While still holding the stone in your hand, visualize and feel what it would be like to achieve that intention.
Finish by saying out loud “I dedicate this crystal for the (say your intention)


Safely place the cleared and programmed Crystal under the moon or sun for several hours to charge them.

Displays & Stands

Hexagon Mirror from Dollar Tree

Grouping your stones on a mirror takes up less space and makes it easier to move when it’s time to charge them.
Try grouping several of these mirrors on a table or counter makes a striking display for your stones. The Hexagon Mirror frame is available in black & white, or get creative, and use your favorite colors.

How to display and care for your crystals and gemstones

Handmade display box for crystals

Shadow Box from Hobby Lobby (Walmart, Amazon)

You can stain, paint, or leave it unfinished. Spray a clear gloss on the Shadow Box to make your stones really stand out.

The Shadow Box can hang on your wall or Peg Board You can set it on your table for a beautiful, energetic centerpiece display.

DIY Stands

Get these from Dollar Tree & .99 Stores.

Plastic Champagne Flutes:

Remove base, lightly sand & paint the plastic glass, glue to the base and set it upside down.
Spheres, eggs and medium size stones fit well on these stands.


Plastic Shot Glasses:

2 shot glasses, 1 Champagne Flute base. Glue the 2 bottoms of the shot glasses together
and then glue the top to the base. For a shorter stand use 1 shot glass.
Perfect for small spheres, eggs, and pyramids

2 shot glasses open ends glued together. Small stones, Large Eggs & spheres fit well on these stands.

Additional Ideas:

Other ideas for displaying your crystals: Candle Stick Holders, Painted jars trimmed with rhinestone strips (baby food jars work great), plant stands for larger crystals.
Look around your house or places like a local thrift store for items to re-purpose.

Want to take your crystals with you when you leave the house? Check out the selection of semi-precious gemstone jewelry on Jamiproducts.com

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