Prosperity Essential Oil



Add a few drops to your creams, bath scrubs, massage oils, cleaning products and diffuser to shift your frequency to abundance, prosperity, wealth, and affluence.

Black Pepper


In stock (can be backordered)



Ja’Mi Products Prosperity Essential Oil Promotes Abundance and Helps Clear Your Mind.

An earthy scent of Bergamot, Cinnamon, Black Pepper and other Essential oils infused with the energy of Citrine & Quartz. May assist in manifesting and creating. Add Prosperity Essential Oil to your creams, bath scrubs, massage oils, cleaning products.  Add a few drops to your diffuser. Set the intention, visualize and allow yourself to be open to fresh ideas. Trust your intuition.

Essential Oils Used:

  • Bergamot
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginger
  • Patchouli
  • Black Pepper

Made in the U.S.A.

Ja’Mi Products are proudly made in the United States.

How to use the Prosperity Essential Oil:

Use in your scrubs, sprays or by itself and visualize piles of money, a higher bank balance, or anything else that you want to attract. Affirm repeatedly (5-10 times): I receive and am worthy of abundance, prosperity, wealth, and affluence!
Having a creativity block?  Inhale the scent,  allow yourself to be open to fresh ideas.  Trust your intuition.

Ja’Mi Products natural aromatherapy products clear energy, invigorate the senses, raise your vibration and bring the mind, body and spirit into perfect harmony. You are invited to experience these healthy, inspirational and uplifting natural products specifically developed and created to awaken your senses while clearing your mind.

Be sure to review product warnings before purchase.



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