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Spring Cleaning With Sage Smudge Mist

With Spring finally here, the one thing that most people like to tackle is that Spring cleaning that they have been procrastinating on week after week since summer ended.

Whether your definition of spring cleaning is clearing out the garage, the car, the attic or cleaning up life, in general, there is such a sigh of relief once everything is taken care of.

When you are cleaning up the house or life there could still be some negative energy that still exists in that space.

To clean up this, we recommend our Essential Oil Sage Smudge Mist – for only 19.95!

Energies, especially negative ones, are known for disrupting life and can leave you unfocused and unmotivated. Once you use our Essential Oil Sage Smudge Mist, you will notice almost an instant relief.

There are so many little ways that negative energy can enter your life and affect you in a multitude of places.

Many people find that there is a lot of negative energy in their car when they are driving.

Which is the one place that you do not need distractions in – you can be distracted by the radio, other drivers making poor decisions, or you could be thinking about your own troubles while you are driving and this could cause you to not pay attention to the road yourself.

Why do we clean in the spring anyways? Why don’t we have the great summer clean or fall clean? Some cultures believe that spring cleaning is used to sweep (or clean out) all of the bad fortunes of the previous year.

Others believe in the scientific fact that the lack of sunlight that we receive puts us in a sleeper or lazier state in the winter. In the spring when we get our sunlight back as well as our energy.

The first thing that we devote our energy to is cleaning out the house and nit-picking all of the gross edges that are on the kitchen or bathroom sinks.

When you are at home, and especially in your bedroom, this is your sanctuary. Your work troubles are left at the office and you should enter into a state of relaxation.

This Spring should be your mission to take your home over from any negative energy that could have made its way inside of your four walls and clean it out.

A good idea as well for your home is to clean out the kitchen and establish good energy once again. Clean out your cupboards of old food that may have expired and do the refrigerator and freezer as well. As well, you should clean all of your pots and pans, the drawers where you keep your utensils and light fixtures too.

Make room for good vibes and Feng Shiu to enter your kitchen.

Do you own any gemstone jewelry, crystals or stones? Keeping them clean is just as important as keeping your home clean as well.

Many people believe that the crystals that they have “call” them. Meaning that you do not choose the crystal, the crystal chooses you. When the right crystal finds you, you want to make sure that you take good care of it, so that you can receive all of the good energy that comes from it.

Your stones have the ability to collect impressions from things around it, both negative and positive.

By cleaning your stones you can remove negative energies from it and retain only the positive vibes.

Spring cleaning is so good for you and your home; there is something so relaxing about putting on your favorite music and just going to town with a rag in one hand and cleaner in the other.

When you are Spring cleaning, using our Sage Smudge Mist, you will be making your home healthier in energy as well as cleanliness.

After a great clean, you always feel so happy and accomplished with yourself and a wonderful sense of satisfaction.

You will also notice that there is less of a weight of stress on your shoulders and you will feel more focused to accomplish any other goals that you have in the house or in life itself. Our mist will only amplify these feelings for the better.

We would like to invite you to experience the magic that the Essential Oil Sage Smudge Mist can bring to your home during spring cleaning or any time of the year. This product is all natural and specifically developed to awaken your senses while clearing your mind.

Set aside a day or a weekend this Spring to give the energy in your home a bit of TLC with a great cleaning session. In turn, this will renew your home, your car and your life with new energy this Spring.

Interested in watching how this product works?

Take a look at this video that we also have on our website:

At Ja’Mi Products, we believe our products are a labor of science with natural healing traditions, Reiki and a love for keeping your mind, body and spirit in harmony. For more information about our products or to order a product, contact us at 702-985-8848 today!

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