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5 Tips to Empower Children Against Bullying



All children need to feel safe, whether they’re on the playground, at school or in a playgroup and believe it or not, bullying can begin at a very early age. While some may argue that aggressive behavior in preschool and elementary school age children is a normal part of their growth, it is never too early to begin helping empower children against bullying.

There are several resources for parents on the Internet and in various books regarding bullying, but, for now, here are a few tips to help parents empower children against bullying:

1. Help children recognize bullying behavior.

Bullying behavior is when an individual or group of individuals repeatedly embarrass, frighten or physically or emotionally hurt another person. For preschool and early school-age children, bulling can take many forms including (but not limited to):

  • Hitting or slapping
  • Kicking
  • Name-calling
  • Pinching
  • Pushing or shoving
  • Stealing or breaking another’s things
  • Tripping

By helping children recognize bullying behavior, parents are teaching what appropriate behavior is and what it is not for their children and for others.

2. Instill a strong self-esteem in children.

Every child should know they are unique and special and that their true power comes from this uniqueness. By letting a child know that the parent loves them and are proud of them just for being the special person they are and that the parent truly enjoys being in their company is important to helping that child develop a strong sense of self. Feeling good about oneself results in a more confident approach to life, which is a good way to repel the attentions of a bully.

3. Listen and respond to children about bullying.

Even the youngest child can describe bullying behavior and should never be ignored. By beginning a practice of listening and calmly responding to what has happened to them, parents begin building a bond of trust for the future, when the child becomes a middle-schooler or teenager and bullying can have more serious consequences.

4. Teach children how to be a friend. When bullying occurs, the victim feels ostracized and alone. Parents should let their children know that it’s important for them to help a friend in need by telling an adult about any incidence of bullying and that by doing so they are empowering themselves and the friend against future confrontations.

5. Set a good example.

The best way to empower children against bullying is to show them how to respect themselves, others and the property of others by setting a good example. Children look to their parents for everything from food and shelter to how to behave in any given situation. Showing kindness, respect, empathy and forgiveness to others are just a few ways parents can give their children the power to become the best adults they can be.

Ja’Mi Products LLC offers Shark Power Spray, a unique blend of essential oils that can aid in the empowerment of children. By spraying it into the air around the child or on a special toy they can carry, the positive energy of the scent helps give the child courage, strength and a feeling of power.

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5 Responses to 5 Tips to Empower Children Against Bullying

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    • Robin September 14, 2022 at 4:26 PM #

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    • Robin September 23, 2022 at 6:18 AM #

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